An Autumn Invitation - Hannah Marsh

Photo courtesy of Brad Stewart.

Photo courtesy of Brad Stewart.

Here in Edmonton, fall has arrived, bringing us the first snow of the season. At the elementary school down the block, the children roll the snow into knee-high boulders, which slowly melt over the next two days, as it is not quite winter yet.

In this part of the world, where leaves yellow and fall to the ground in the blink of an eye, where autumn can feel more like a harbinger of winter then a season unto itself, I like to remind myself to slow down. To let go of the beautifully long days of summer, so I can enjoy this short-lived season, the cozy sweater-weather, and the fiery colours of fall. When I find myself bracing against winter and the long hours of darkness ahead, I remind myself to feel grateful for the light we have now. To live in this present moment, not dwelling on the past or the future. To be more gentle with myself. I need plenty of reminders - and patience, too - but this practice helps alleviate the weight I often feel at this time of year, as the days shorten and grow cold.

Whatever your feelings about this new season, I invite you to tune in to whatever is going on inside, to observe with kindness and non-judgement your internal environment, which may change as much, or more, than the environment outside. In this time of change, and perhaps busyness, I invite you to slow down and be gentle with yourself.

Hannah Marsh is a consultant with the Mindfulness